Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jesus and Johnny Bench

Jesus can forgive your sins,
could he ever throw runners
out at second base?

So, now Tom is

making a statue

of the

greatest catcher in the history of baseball

as well as

the savior of the world.

"Tsuchiya, 38, who recently returned from a visit to Bench's home in Naples, Fla., said Bench liked the idea of being featured in the throwing motion but "tweaked" Tsuchiya's portrayal slightly from being in the cocked motion to being in mid-motion.

"I agreed with what he said," Tsuchiya said. "(The alteration) emphasized his powerful arm even more than I had. We've also got his feet in the position that shows his nimbleness and quick footwork back there. ...There's a grace and elegance to him (behind the plate) that all the great athletes have."

Next up?

The rest of Big Red Machine.

Except -- perhaps for Pete Rose,
about whom one reader commented :

"Please don't put up a statue of Pete Rose unless it portrays him playing roulette in a prison cell"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Carin Performs in Music Hall

I was first taken to Music Hall
on a 3rd Grade field trip
and have been enchanted
ever since.

Now Carin Hebenstreit
has added her portrait
of Paavo Jarvi
to it's hall of fame.

where it hangs beside
her earlier portrait
of Max Rudolph
(he was the conductor
when I was in grade school)

Here's the story from the All-about-Paavo blog,


here's the story from a local journalist.

So, now the question is....

what do you think he's conducting?

My guess is that
it's something slow and stately
by Brahms,
while Max Rudolph
seems to have been doing
the Ride of Valkyries
by Wagner.

Here's a better image of it.

Now, it's feeling
a bit more like
he's conducting